Maruthan Thanabalasingam
click here!
Hello stranger.

I'm Maru. I build software and more. I started over 6 years ago with Java, which in hindsight was a rather unusual choice for beginners. I continued to travel into other spaces as Python, SQLand taught myself to build mobile applications with Flutter. I actually built my first mobile app using Flutter, which also is available in the Google play store. Learn more in the showroom.

4 years ago i discovered web-development. I started to build simple web-applications with React.js. Since then, I have consistently broadened my horizons, learning to utilize libraries such as framer-motion, material-ui, and Next.js. There's something new to learn, everyday.

In late august 2022, during a period of Bitcoin's decline, i decided to go deeper into the blockchain technology. On August 29th, i bought a course to learn Smart contract development for 13$. It was probably one of the hardest topics to learn by myself. The developer-community was very small compared to established technologies and the resources were limited.

In December 2022, I co-founded Sporting Labs and achieved notable success by winning two hackathons between January and April 2023.

Fast forward to summer 2023, i joined the swiss armed forces and try to learn something whenever there is an opportunity.

Sporting Labs
The idea was simple. A fantasy league platform for Formula 1 enthusiasts. We wanted to create a community that allowed members to connect with other passionate inmotion.dividuals and compete against each other in various challenges, all while supporting the sport they love.

Sporting Labs got 2'800 downloads and won two hackathons.

The app was planned to be redesigned for a better experience (look left) but never got the chance to be released since the underlying third-party-platform was no longer maintained.

Landing page
This was the first mobile application i planned out and developed solo.

An passwort manager, with built-in functions, such as password rating & password generation. The passwords would be stored offline on the device, so that you wouldnt have to trust a third-party cloud.

I built this app in 2022.

Google play Store
A new way to publish.

DistriDoc is a open platform to create and publish documents without the burden of a third party. You simply upload the document on the blockchain and the whole world can access it. No servers needed.

This app is a solo project, and is still in development.
